Source Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Dr. Melissa Zebrasky, DAOM, L.Ac.
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, Nutrition Therapy
Dr. Melissa Zebrasky, DAOM, L.Ac.
Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (Pacific College of Oriental Medicine)
Master of Science Oriental Medicine (Midwest College of Oriental Medicine)
Bachelor of Science Nutrition (Midwest College of Oriental Medicine)
Bachelor of Science Biology (University of WI Madison)
Clinical Internship (Guangzhou, China)
Dr. Zebrasky graduated from the University of WI at Madison with a B.S. in Biology in 1995. She received her Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in 2004 from Midwest College of Oriental Medicine. During her Master's study, she attended a clinical training program in Guangzhou, China, where she received an advanced degree in Acupuncture. Her training at Midwest College included a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Therapy, a fundamental element of her clinical practice. In 2018, she completed her Doctoral study of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, with an emphasis on Integrative Medicine. While at Pacific College, her work was published in Meridians: The Journal of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
She has been teaching yoga, qi gong and meditation since 1997 at fitness centers, corporate locations and in natural settings. She is a student of Chunyi Lin, and has received level 4 training as a qi gong master. Her practice as a wellness professional has also included fitness, as a personal trainer and fitness instructor for several years. Her dedication to health and wellness created an interest in the study meditation, which was a defining factor in her Doctoral research. It also led her to study with His Holiness the Dalai Lama for more than 20 years.
Dr. Zebrasky is an adjunct lecturer at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI, where she instructs the Physician Assistant program TCM fundamentals.
Dr. Zebrasky is nationally board certified in both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine (Dipl.OM).